Lets talk about stairs

March 26, 2016  •  1 Comment

Last day in Firenze 

Up up and away

So, if you've been tracking with me, you can probably see I've been going pretty non stop.  I understand now the need for the siesta. So I could slow down, but that would be no fun. So lets ambitiously climb through my day.


This is the artsy angle shot.  Don't worry, there will be another later. Notice though the backdrop, Let's go in!

But to go in one has to go up 

463 steps, 92 meters to be exact. 

Before the grand reveal and the view, quick shot in the dome with the ceiling and stained glass.  Yes its a insane angle, no I did't really have a choice seeing is how we tight rope walk over to the next set of stairs while being enclosed in plexiglass.

Now from here, the stairs get more narrow and the tourist get sweater.  And even though the presence of Disney can be felt and seen everywhere still here in Europe, the Duomo's line execution sadly was not one of those places.  I'll spare you the claustraphobic rant and just say, things got tiny, tight, and tricky. 

But the view

One of a kind experience. Well, sort of.  See that bell tower?  Remember that for later. 

Back down and roaming through the streets, I found lunch in a place with an indoor view that was actually prettier than outside

Indoor garden, open flower shop, and yes my coffee in a wine glass.

The fancy smfancy shopping district is on a bridge called Ponte Vecho. Here, like many a bridge in Europe we find lover's promises marking the metal. 

Too lovey dovy? Ya, I thought so too. MORE STAIRS

Lets go back up that bell tower eh?

414 steps, 82 meters. Need a break? Me too, here's a photo on the way up

Now check out the Duomo from this angle

My favorite explanation for this wonder is a Church in Pajama's. 

Yes Yes Yes Florence. 

Now, Let's to it after dark because who needs rest, not me.

Also fascinating were the carts was the keepers head home for the night.

They crank open and close. The lemonade stand for tourist.

Let's conclude back at the pretty Florence. 

It's a gem of a city. Beauty in all the cracks. 

Yes, Sammi and I did see someone hit by a car (don't worry, he got up)

Yes, we were yelled at and insulted once or twice. But I'm not holding it against you Florence. We part ways as friends.


Now coming to a blog near you

The Cinque Terre!

Oh I'm so excited, I guess I should do some sink laundry and gets me some clean socks

So Fresh So Clean

Here I come Coast!




You sure know how to make a city come alive without hearing a single horn honk or a train whistle or a bell tower ring. Your photography is breathtakingly spectacular. My heart pounds in my ears as I scroll down in anticipation of the next picture. Love your description of the Duomo. Love your enthusiasm. Onward to the Cinque Terra and the Italian Riveria. It will be a complete 180 from the hustle and bustle of the cities but OH SO YOU! You will now be retracing the steps of Byron and many others of that era. I knew you were a photographer but didn't know what a prolific writer you have also become. Soak it up kiddo. GO GO GO!
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Europe here I come!  You can view the pics within each post in a slide show by clicking on one of the images to start.  

Enjoy! Kit

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